Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Top Ten Things That BLOW MY MIND

Picture it, St.Catharines, 2010.
It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and three friends and roomies embark on a visit to a local home decor store for one to make a very thoughtful purchase for the man in her life. While at the store, the three awkwardly manouevre a fragile home accessory atop a wobbly shopping cart, and then it happened...one of the things that officially blows my mind.....I will apologize now, as clearly this is more of a rant than anything witty or creative. But here is a list of the Top Ten Things That Blow My Mind....

10) People who rudely cut in front of you in a public place, or local home decor store, while you are carrying, moving, or lifting a heavy object. Really??! What the hell is wrong with these people?? No, don't worry, I enjoy carrying this anvil on my back...maybe you could just cut in front of me and walk VERY slowly.

9)Nail biting in a public place. Gross! Not only are our hands THE dirtiest part of our bodies....but doing the old bite and spit in public just totally urks me.

8)Nail biting in general. Please for the love of god, STOP, wash your hands, and let me make you a snack so I don't have to watch you eat your damn fingernails.

7)When people forget to use their manners. And I mean the very basics, common courtesy, please, thank you, you're welcome, or the multipurpose excuse me.....flatulence, or just to get by someone in a crowded place...try em...they work!

6)Stupidity.......everyday, simple lacking of common sense.

5) People with chew with their mouths open, smack their lips, or bite their silverware...makes me nearly physically ill to listen to any or all three.

4)Inconsiderate, unthoughtful people.

3)Cold weather also really grinds my gears.

2)Insincerity. Where have all the good people gone? I have little to no use for those who find it difficult to be honest, genuine and forthcoming with their feelings. I am a very open person, and wear my heart on my sleeve in most situations. I do not understand the logic behind hiding your feelings, opinions, desires, or needs. Life is just way to short to not be you to the fullest, to not cease the day and all that it has to offer, and to not grab hold of the ones you love tightly and let them know all that they bring to your life.

and the number 1 thing that blows my mind......
Canadian or not...how can anyone really like Nickelback?????



  1. Hey Becky! Love it :) I've added it to my bloglist too!

  2. Um that was awesome Becky. I am not sure why my profile comes up as 'Canada' and how I change it. But it is Amy Paradis. I will figure ou the profile later. Keep writing, I enjoy it!
